Friday, February 27, 2015

I Ripped My Pants

Well, this week in California was quite a success. The sun was shining, the temperature was warm and soft, the cliche birds were singing, and I learned a lot. From meeting with various clients, to long drives off the coast, I would say that I'm practically considered a Cali girl... Ok - that may be a bit extreme. But before I introduce "Stretch Yourself: Week 2", I'm going to share a brief story.
Our beautiful view from a point near Chula Vista 

All week had been mapped out, meetings held, all leading up until this one moment... The handoff.

No, I'm not a drug dealer. I'm in finance... Same thing basically. (Joking)

Before the handoff, I had done an exceptional job of keeping myself hydrated during our drive. So, I had asked my boss to pull over for a pitt stop so that I didn't have to do certain bodily habits at the handoff location. Well, all was fine there, no details whatsoever. As I was walking to the car, I had been messing around, and jumped into the car in such a way that when I heard this sound, "sshreeep", and well, I ripped my pants! All of the sudden, my professional career flashed before my eyes! 

I was mortified. I thought about that Spongebob episode, so long ago in my distant memory, of how he ripped his pants. Later in the show, he then starts ripping his pants for fun, but I will tell you now, I didn't have the same experience. My insides wanted to be my outsides, and my mind felt like it was being imploded like a Vegas casino! All was wrong with the world, and the only thing I could think to do was... act like nothing happened. Call me dramatic, but this is how the world was in my mind. My boss didn't seem to realize, as he continued on with our conversation about classical music and the sad piece created by Samuel Barber playing over the radio. All I heard in my head was, "blah, blah, blah music, blah, musical theory, blah, ripped pants..." I was trying to pay attention though.

Well, I figure my luck would have two outcomes. #1 - I've got a booty. And as people might look, they'd notice the tear, and I would endure psychological damage the rest of my life. #2 - The cardigan I was wearing may have indeed been divinely inspired, as the tear could possibly get covered up. I decided that I had no choice but to have faith in a piece of cloth. We arrived at the location, and I got out of the car all shaky. I thought that this stuff only happens in movies, not to me! But I had to keep pushing on. At this point, I was worried about my ripped pants, that I didn't take into account my sweat levels. My adrenaline must have spiked because all of the sudden I got really flush and hot. Anyway, didn't notice till after.

We made it to the meeting, and all went really well. I tried to imagine that the pants incident was an obstacle to help me stretch and grow. What did I learn from that experience? I will tell you what... If I could make it through a really important meeting, with ripped pants in the crotch area, I believe that this was yet another sign that I now can do anything! And that cardigans are a very worthwhile investment. In all reality, this situation taught me to slow down, and problem solve. I thought about ways to position my body language in a way that wasn't awkward, and I also focused on every word that was said to make sure I wasn't deterred from my end goal. Talk about perfect example of stretching yourself! 

Now that it's all said and done, I'm ready to move forward with my next challenge. 

Stretch Yourself: Week 2

Thanks to my beautiful, life-long friend, Rachel Evans, I will be doing a Vlog (video blog) this week on Jason's and my SECRET Utah adventure/trip! (For those of you reading this who may already know why we're going to UT, don't tell!) Big things are happening in the lives of Jason and I! Who wants to guess what's happening?? :D

I will reveal the secret on March 8th.

Stay tuned. Xoxo

animated gifs photo: Hey Baby baby-3.gif

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